Today at our appointment with our doula, Laura, we wrote up our birth plan. I think it turned out pretty good (and flexible) and am really hoping we can achieve most if not all of the things covered.
Birth Plan
Amanda Sellers & John Vallejo
- This is our first child, and we are hoping to have as natural birth as possible, but we are flexible in case of emergency. We will have a doula, Laura Nyman, attending the birth along with my sister, Holly Bierhaus. We would like to keep any other friends or family out of the room during the labor and birthing process, and would appreciate any help achieving this (if the situation should call for it.)
- Our chosen Pediatrician is Dr. James Mick with Ponderosa Pediatrics.
A few medical conditions to be aware of:
I have
no allergies.
I am hypoglycemic.
I have activity induced asthma.
I have broken my tail bone in the past.
- I would like the freedom to walk, move around, and change positions at will throughout labor.
- I would, if possible, like to be allowed to eat.
- I would prefer intermittent fetal monitoring unless my baby shows sign of distress.
Please do not offer me any pain medication. I will ask for it if I feel the need to.
- I would like to avoid pushing while on my back or sitting to prevent pressure on my weak tailbone.
- I would like to try to wait until I feel the urge to push before beginning the pushing phase. While I will accept advice on how to push, I would also like to listen to my body and push when it tells me to.
- I
do not wish to have an episiotomy.
- Assuming the baby is in good health, I do not wish for the umbilical cord to be clamped and cut until after it has stopped pulsating. Once it has stopped I would like my partner, John Vallejo, to be the one to cut the cord.
- Assuming the baby is in good health, I would like to hold her skin-to-skin immediately after birth and to delay any medical procedures.
- I would like all medical procedures to be fully explained to me or my partner, John Vallejo, before they are performed.
Please do not perform any procedures without consent from one of us.
- I do plan to breastfeed,
so please do not give the baby any bottles or pacifiers.
After our baby is here, my partner and I would like a few hours of private bonding time with her before we see any visitors.
If you've had babies before, did you write a birth plan? Was it successful?